The Good Knock-offs
These Bodyline replicas are actually very cute. They seem to be made of good quality materials and either look just like the originals, or are changed a bit but still look pretty damned good.
Originally an Angelic Pretty coat, Bodyline makes a pretty faithful replica. The hearts are moved up a bit, I think in order to be pockets.
Aah shoe replicas. Unless a pair of shoes are made out of leather, I won't spend 100+ on them. No injection molded pleater shoe is ever going to be worth much to me. Brand or not, they are cheaply made, and they should be cheap. Bodyline's knock-off of these famous Baby, the Stars Shine Bright shoes are nearly identical.
Don't confuse this Innocent World knock-off with a "bad" knock-off just because it uses the same fabric. Not all brand dresses custom print their own fabric, but instead buy it from a fabric shop. The fabric used in this Bodyline knock-off is almost gaurenteed to be the exact same fabric as the brand version. Metamorphose, and I think a couple indies brands, have also used this same fabric.
Originally an Atelier Boz JSK, Bodyline makes a pretty good copy. As is typical of Bodyline knock-offs, it doesn't look like it has much poof. Maybe they just don't use a very poofy petticoat, or maybe, as a cheaper version, skimp on the skirt yardage a bit.
An oldie but a goody! This was a skirt Bodyline used to sell years ago, and it's a knock-off of an old Angelic Pretty skirt. The lace is a bit cheaper the the original, and the bow looks a little deflated, but other than that, it looks cute to me.
The "Bad" Knock-offs
These are the knock-offs that make people the most upset, print knock-offs. While Bodyline has never made a knock-off with the original brand's logo on the print, they are still not fooling anyone.
No one ever bothers to mention this print when they talk about Bodyline knock-offs. Originally an Angelic Pretty print, Bodyline edits out the "Angelic Pretty" and turns it into a simple JSK.
Another, bit more recent, print originally from Innocent World that is often forgotten about when people talk about the evils of Bodyline. It was released along side the Fruits Parlor skirt, but hardly gets any attention. Once again, "Innocent World" is edited out of knock-off and replaced by a little bow.
Probably the most infamous Bodyline Knock-off, and the one that caused some uproar on EGL, Angelic Pretty's Fruits Parlor. The Angelic Pretty version, when it bothered to pop up for sale, would often go for hundreds of dollars more than it's original price on the second hand market. Owning this fruit covered stripe and polkadot extravaganza from Angelic Pretty was a status symbol, no doubt about it. Then Bodyline released a version for $50, the skirt was sold as low as $11. And soon everyone had the skirt (which I promise you is not as fugly as the dress) in every colorway Bodyline Sold it in.