Friday, 8 June 2012

Goths and Body Image

Health Canada defines body image as "the picture an individual has of his or her body, what it looks like in the mirror, and what he or she thinks it looks like to others." Since the 1960’s, idealized models of beauty such as waif-like women, and muscle-bound, sporting men have been ubiquitous in movies, magazines, television, and the cosmetic and fashion industries. Girls are trying to achieve impossible beauty standards that are produced through much media trickery - photo cropping, airbrushing, composite bodies, and body doubles.

Unfortunately, this affects gioths just as much as it affects anybody else. Maybe even more, as it is harder to find gothic clothes in plus sizes then mainstream clothes, and because of the stereotypes regarding goths and weight. Althoigh this is not a problem that affects me personally, I understand how hard this may be.

When picking out clothes, for those of us who are plus-size it is especially important that what we wear fits us well. Meaning that it is not too small, but does not hang like a tent either. It can be the best design in the world, but if it doesn't fit, it will never look good. When shopping online and unsure of the sizes, buy the next size up to be safe. However, when you do so do expect the item that you order to be slightly too big and be ready to tailor it down.

For example, if something fits like this, it is okay:

And like this is not very good:

Looking closer, the first outfit is not overloaded with colors and prints, and the jacket has a defined waist.If you want to appear thinner, defining a waist is always a good idea.
However, in the second outfit the top has a small ribbon that is much too high but no defined waist, and the top is too loose and definitely too long, making her legs appear shorter and bigger. The skirt is okay in terms of fit, but the highly contrasting pattern I don't think would look good on anyone. The hairstyle also plays a part, as very few people look good with all their hair pulled back and she is unfortunately not one of them. A bigger hairstyle, maybe with curly hair, would have looked much better.

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