Sunday 3 June 2012

A new hairstyle!

In the past few months I have been trying to grow my hair out so I could wear it long. Which unfortunately turned it into some completely unpresentable, mullet-like mess. Naturally, this means that I need to get a haircut in order to be able to appear in public without getting unpleasant stares anywhere I go.

This time, I decided to get something more age-appropriate and as ordinary as possible. The color is still  going to stay as it is, a dark red-brown. I like it, it looks natural and better with my skin color then my original dirty-blonde. I needed a hairstyle that was low-maintenance and does not stand out too much or rather at all, I'm guessing because I've watched enough of Stacy and Clinton's What Not to Wear I don't want ANYTHING out of the completely ordinary.

I can't post a picture of myself, buy it looks pretty much like this, maybe with the bangs a bit longer.

I like this kind of hairstyle because it is much more age-appropriate then most of the things people like to wear these days (undershaves, deathhawks, big teased hair and the like) and actually low-maintenance with no shaved areas or fading color to take care of. And even if it grows out a bit, it will still look fine.

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